Then I painted my entry way to look like this...
I LOVE the way it looks! It is one of my favorite spots in the house. Once I did this I knew I would eventually paint the living room and I would probably use one of these tan colors to do it. Shortly after that I found these panels at Target for $15 each that I thought would look good whenever I finally painted the room. I bought 4 and hung them up. I didn't love it but it was an improvement and I didn't know what else to do so they stayed. (BTW- I forgot to take a picture before I already had taken down 2 panels so this is the best I could do). Since that time I have met the Nester (OK, I haven't really met her but I stalk her). She has inspired me to do more. I finally painted the room that tan color. Then I went to the 50% off sale at Hancock and I found brown fabric for $6.00 a yard. This is what I did with it.
Now if you are wondering how I did this without sewing you need to spend some more time over at the Nester's blog. I followed her mistreatment tips and hot glued it on. Then I went back with some fun trim and covered up the mess. These are BY NO MEANS perfect! I eyeballed the lines across and some of them are just not straight, but I am OK with that and I think it is a HUGE improvement. I hung the curtains high like the Nester suggests and I let them puddle on the floor.
Girl, good for you--they were so worth the wait and oh, that entry way! I wish I were patient and talented enough to paint like that!
i love the entry AND the living room! i am so not good at that stuff! :/ good for you!
I LOVE the entry way! It's beautiful and those who visit your house will be VERY impresssed that you did it yourself. Great job!
Wow Christa! Those look amazing! Great Job! I love the paint color on your walls:)
Hello Again! I just thought I would let you know I gave you an award, b/c you are so very talented in so many ways! Check out my blog for the details:)
Hi Christa-you may not remember me, but I am on the Bryans advocacy team...(we're the prayer coord.) but anyway, I have to congratulate you on your "mis-treatments"! WOW! I LOVE the nester and her style. I haven't yet gotten the nerve to try anything out myself, but I will one day soon!
Great job!
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