Today was the big day! Aidan started Kindergarten today and surprisingly I have been OK. I have teared up several times, but I think I have held it together quite well. That may be partially because I have stayed very busy all day long, but I truly believe that this is a testament to the Lord and his provision of strength. I have struggled with feeling like I haven't done all I could do to get Aidan ready for school. I have had to pray through this and work through these feelings and self doubt. That being said, it was truly a gift from the Lord to see my Aidan boldly walk into his new school undaunted. It may seem like a small thing to many of you but Aidan tends to be shy when strangers speak to him and this morning we crossed the street with the crosswalk who said a generic hello and asked how everyone was doing. It was one of those times that it was spoken to so many people that it would be acceptable to not even respond, but in this case my sweet Aidan was the only one of the group (adults included) to look at that lady and say he was doing good. It was such an encouragement to me to see that confidence coming out of my baby. I was able to leave him in his class truly believing that he was going to be just fine and as I sit and type now I trust that the Lord has been with him all day long. He is so faithful! Here are some pictures of my little man this morning:

And this is when he was telling me he had had enough and he wanted to just go inside already.

And this is the way he looked when I left him this morning. It sure made it easier to leave.

Then when I picked Aidan up the very first words he said to me in the car were mom, this school is FUN! Here came the tears, although I tried to hide them from the kids with my glasses. They were not tears of sadness but happiness and relief. He had a fabulous day! He loved it. I have prayed about this transition for months and although I know we will still all have to get used to it, today has been good and Lord deserves all the glory for that. When we got home
Rebecca and I had a surprise waiting for Aidan. Here it is:

We sat at the table together, ate cake and listened to Aidan talk about school. When I asked him what was the best part he simply said ALL OF IT. I couldn't ask for a better response.
1 comment:
He looks so precious in those pictures! So glad to hear the first day went so well!
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