It is always such a joy when I get you all to myself. You are such a precious boy! You sat so nicely by my side and I was so proud to be with you!
I felt a little sentimental when I left your school and I was able to capture a few minutes alone to pray for you. This parenting thing gets pretty tricky from time to time and all to often I feel like I am messing it all up. You are such a gift, you have such a sincere heart, and you are often deep in thought. I pray sometimes that the Lord will protect you from my shortcomings, that I will be life-giving and never spirit crushing. God has created you for His mighty purposes and I am eager to see what those are. I never want to interfere with the Lord's will for you and I pray that I can be an instrument used in preparing you for what He has for you and that you will eagerly walk in His ways. I pray that you know how much you are loved and what a blessing you are to this family, but that even above that I hope you know how deeply you are loved by God. I cannot believe that you are already 5 years old...what business do I have parenting a 5 year old boy? I was just talking to someone yesterday and commenting that I feel OK in the role of mom to toddler, but I am clueless about this next stage. Lord, I thank you that you have gone before me and you will lead me. Help me to walk closely with you.
After the great morning I had with you I got to watch you and your baby brother play together. Andrew adores you. He loves it when you play with him and pay attention to him. You two were playing ring toss together and it was so sweet to watch him try to imitate what you did. He would smile so big and giggle as he watched you and then he would try to throw the rings. I cannot tell you how much I treasured that moment. I pray that we have many more moments of sibling bonding in this house.
One of my favorite things to do is to listen in on your conversations with Rebecca as we drive around town. I was listening to you the other day and you were talking about Jesus and how He died on the cross and you were assuring her that she did not have to die on a cross because Jesus did it for us. Then you did make sure and let her know that she would die one day (the realist that you are) but that was OK because then you would get to be with Jesus. How sweet were those words to my ears. I love that you want to teach her what you have learned and you are often telling her random facts or talking to her about numbers. You love to share what you are learning.
Oh, Aidan what a smart, thoughtful, genuine little boy you are. You have such a beautiful smile and my heart swells when you laugh. It has been so fun to watch you play soccer, simply because it brings so much joy to you. You look forward to your practices just as much as your games. I love the boy you are. I am so privileged to get to be your mother.
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