Just to update you on the latest at the Hagler Home...Aidan just turned 5. We celebrated at Chuck-E-Cheese. He is going to 4K (a glorified preschool - don't get me wrong we LOVE it but it is not yet Kindergarten) at Grace Community School. It is the private school that is part of the Church we attend. He is so stinking big! It is a whole new world with him. It is fun, but we are definitely venturing into uncharted territory. He is a sweet, gentle spirit most of the time and he is getting this new sense of humor that is so much like a boy not a little kid. I keep hearing that at about seven they have truly developed their own personality so we still have a ways to go, but I love it when he tries to be funny. Tonight after bath we spent some time as a family playing Uno, which he loves! Trace had taken some nighttime cold medicine and it was kicking in so he wasn't quite with it and Aidan was confused by all the reverse cards played as to whose turn it was. It may not sound funny but Aidan and I both could not stop laughing!! Fun Stuff!
Rebecca is two and a half and she is full of energy, adventure, life, and spunk. She keeps me entertained often! We have been working on potty training for the past two days. Say a prayer for us if you think about it. Yesterday we were successful at about half the attempts at the potty. I got a great nights sleep and woke up energized to go at it again, but by nap time I was questioning the whole thing. We decided to at least complete the day and she had NO ACCIDENTS all afternoon. We will see what tomm. brings, but right now I am feeling good. Trace did point out to me that during nap I seemed down and at the point of despair and after a few successful pee pees in the potty I was dancing around like a little girl. How much power can a toddlers bathroom behavior hold?
And last is my sweet baby Andrew!!! He is almost 6 months old. He has been a bit of a challenge for me at times. He does not nap well when we are in the car or out and about and unfortunately he seems to be like his momma...if his sleep is disturbed before he is ready he is a grouch. That would be fine, we would take our naps except he is #3 and life does not stop. I am so thankful for his beautiful smile and his super chubby cheeks, because when I see those all the frustration just rolls away. He is my sweet baby and I am in no hurry for him to grow up, fussy days or not!!! This time is so precious and I just adore getting to snuggle and rock this little guy.
Life with three is crazy, but crazy is not always bad! I love this special family and these wonderful children that I get to spend my days with! I cannot tell you how thankful I am for that! I hope you enjoy the pictures of our bunch. I have yet to discover if you can get a good picture with 3 kids 5 and under in it. We will keep trying and I will joyfully share if I get one. For now, this is as good as it gets.
YAY!!! I'm really glad you've decided to join this "world" - I will love checking in on your blog and am excited to read what you have to say!
I was calling yesterday to tell you THANK YOU for your sweet card! Somebody must have the gift of encouragement! =) I really appreciate your words and am so thankful for our growing friendship. Speaking of, let's hang out soon. Friends do that. We should.
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