This weekend we went to visit my brother and his wife for my nieces birthday. Lynsey just turned 5 and she celebrated by having a HS Musical party. She came as the star of the show, dressed up as Gabriella (I think that is her name). The kids danced around to the music some but mostly they just played. Above is a picture of some of the kids from the party and then below are a few of the kids hanging out after the party in the back yard. After the party was over we got to hang out and eat dinner with family. My parents and my sister were all there and it was nice to just sit together and relax.
Lynsey and Aidan are about 3 weeks apart and they play together well and for the first time this trip the two year olds, Rebecca and Lauren, seemed to notice each other. However, Lauren is still pretty independent and likes to do her own thing and Rebecca is much more concerned with the big kids. For some reason she seems to think she is big.

We got back late Saturday night and went straight to bed, so on Sunday we checked the mail and we got a letter that said our insurance company has denied our claim for Andrews helmet for the second time. It is frustrating because he meets the criteria on paper. He measures within their measurements, but they are saying the pictures are not good enough I guess? Who knows, but we will have to appeal the claim once again so possibly in another 30 days we will have another answer. We have also received some pretty major hospital bills from my delivery of Andrew that the insurance company is refusing to pay and the hospital is saying they mispayed. So they are fighting that out and we are stuck waiting with a large bill wondering what we are supposed to do. Please pray with us over this if you think of it. Insurance issues are just not fun and we do not want to get all caught up in the stress of this. My prayer is that once we do our part that we can simply rest in God and that we will not worry or obsess about this. We know He is our provider!!! We have to trust Him with this. I seem to think with certain things in life I can handle it on my own, but I get frustrated and discouraged and wonder why. It is always because I did not trust God. I choose to trust! I choose to not let worry take over! God will provide! He is Good. He does not promise that things will not get hard, but He does promise to always be with us. He is the God of my salvation, the Lord God Almighty! What better place is there to rest?
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