Things in Mexico moved much slower and even though we were only there for a week I feel like I have been a step behind the American pace since we returned. We did without Cell Phones, computers, and TV for a week and it was such a gift. We were surrounded by beautiful faces and I never missed the modern conveniences...not even for a second. I have spent a little time wondering how to fit this blog, email, phone calls, and all the other busyness back into my life. One thing that I have realized for sure is that I often choose to make myself unavailable to my kids in different ways that may just be wrong. I mean in Mexico the times that I was unavailable to my children were times that I was involved in serving others or simply being with other people. I never said no, mommy really needs to send this email or spend time on the computer. I do not think that my kids need to get all their wants met immediately or that they need to be entertained all the time, but I have been challenged to really evaluate the messages I send when a computer screen is more of a priority than they are. All this to say that I have struggled to find time for blogging and so I apologize I have been slow to upload pictures from our trip.
I am going to try to work my way through part of our time in Mexico with the help of pictures. The first night that we were there was really just about getting set up for the week. We spent time exploring the Children's Home property and we played a bit with the kids that lived there. The minute that we arrived both Andrew and Rebecca were whisked away from Trace and I and carried around by some of the girls that lived at the Children's Home. Andrew was all smiles, Rebecca was a little surprised to be carried around and called baby. Eventually we rounded up our kids and unloaded our stuff. We found a corner in the girls side with 2 beds side by side and a place to put the playpen. I am not sure how excited my roommates were to have 2 small children right next to them, but they acted pleasant. Trace and Aidan also found a bunk over on the boys side and got situated.
On Sunday morning we woke up and had a small worship service of our own. We hung out most of the day, setting up the room for VBS, and setting up for the carnival. Three families that had never made the trip before got to go that evening to a small Mexican church. It was one of the churches that would host the medical team that week. This was one of the highlights of my trip. We followed the pastor to the church and he left us there, mentioning something about a translator. We waited at the church for about 30 minutes for the pastor to get back, not really sure what was going on. I spent that time looking around outside the church, wanting desperately to be able to speak to the small children I saw outside playing and the lady I saw hand washing clothes outside in a tub. I wanted to walk the streets and invite the people to join us for church (of course I couldn't since I speak no Spanish - hence the desire to learn Spanish).
This is the small blue church we were at and those of us who got to go.
This is a picture of the neighborhood where the church was at. This church was planted in this neighborhood to reach the people who live here.
There was something invigorating for me being out in the community with these people, being near their homes, wanting to know about their lives. This is one of the few times in my life that I can say I have really forgotten about me and wanted desperately to be a vessel of God's love. Wanted just to be with these people, for no gain to myself. I mean I go to church at home and for the most part that is not about me, but it so easy for me to switch into the mentality of wanting to meet the right people that will be a blessing to me in my life, that I can learn from or maybe even wanting to look right and impress someone. I don't go with a heart 100% desiring to serve others and be a vessel to be used by God. I don't even go 100% with a heart to worship God and allow Him to teach me. I mean that is a huge part and I do love to worship with other believers, but how quickly do my pure desires get infested with my own sin.
The Pastor returned and they sang a few songs and the pastor preached a short message on Psalm 91. It was such a privilege to get to hear the word of God spread in another language. It just put and exclamation point behind the idea of how small I am and how vast our God is. Not only is His name preached in Mexico and in Spanish but all over the world. What a mighty God we serve!
Here are some more pictures from our time at the church:

This is a picture of one of the families at the church. The boy the father is holding was brought in a wheel chair because he cannot walk. They returned later in the week to the medical clinic and learned some exercises to help the boy with his stiffness. The picture above is of their baby and Rebecca. The mother was fascinated with her and her blonde hair and asked to have a picture with her and the baby. They also wanted a picture of Rebecca with their family. I am going to attempt to get these pictures to this family.

This is the pastor greeting this family. It was such a privilege to get to meet such a servant of the Lord. He does the evangelism work for 40 churches in Mexico and preaches here. He quit his job as a radio DJ and occasionally picks up shifts to make ends meet. He is truly in love with our Lord.
After church we returned to the Casa Hogar to the carnival that was already in process. Our kids had a great time at the carnival and Andrew was given his very first sucker by Shannon and Stacy (they were so sweet to watch Andrew for us while we went to church). I think he is a little fond of them now. It was fun to watch the kids run around and enjoy themselves and ask for many pictures. It is so cute how they enjoy having there picture made and then looking back at the screen. Here are a few highlights from the carnival.

See the smile and the sucker in his hand...I think he liked it!

Well, I was hoping to cover more than two days, but I think the rest of the week may be easier to complete. I will try to get to it soon.