
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Breaking the Silence

WOW! This has to be the absolute longest I have ever gone without posting. I don't know if I can even call myself a blogger anymore? I don't even have a good excuse. We have done a few projects around the house, hosted my in-laws for a few days, and have just felt busy, but more than anything I just haven't had much to say. And once I got out of the habit of making time for this blog it has been super hard to pick it back up. I guess writing is just like anything else for me and if I don't do it for a while I loose my momentum. So this is my attempt to break the silence and jump back in. I hope to become more regular again.

We have lots of potential changes that I would love to share with you and I have many things on my mind...if I can just gather the words to write about them. The kids are good. Aidan is starting up soccer again and LOVES to spend time outside riding his bike. Rebecca is into drawing and writing random letters all over the pages and Andrew is...well, Andrew is into everything! We very rarely have a dull moment around here and there are many emotions felt during the course of a day. Well, the silence is broken. I plan to post again soon.

Oh ya, Happy St. Patrick's Day. Cheers to you all!

Here are the kids with Green Milk in honor of St. Patrick's day.


Hannah E. said...

I'm sooooo glad you're back!!! I mean, it's been nice seeing you in real life, but I like reading your blog too. =)

sondra german said...

finally! welcome back! i don't get to see you in real life so i'm REALLY glad you're back. ;)
the green milk is a cute idea...

Kate said...

I'm glad you're back to the blogging world!

Shannon said...

Oh ... so happy to see a new post by you ... you are always a lift to read :). Sad about Mexico but thankful for His protection over us! Also, loved the green milk :)!!

Unknown said...

yeah! i'm so glad you're back! we looked for you and trace on sunday...we were at your sunday school class, but i think ya'll were in the nursery.