Hi there. I am so glad you stumbled across our blog. After years of allowing this blog to lay dormant we have decided to start new a new one...you are just in time. A lot has happened over the past few years. We have made some big changes and the Lord has blessed us by allowing us to live and follow Him in Mexico. We desire to follow as He leads us all for His Glory! Some days we think we know a little what that looks like, but more often than not, we realize that He has plans that far exceed all that we could hope or imagine.
We would love to have you our follow our blog, but we have decided that at this time it is best set our blog to private. If you are interested in following our blog please leave me a comment on this blog with your email address and a little description of how you found our blog and I will gladly send you an invitation so that you can follow along on the journey we are on with the Lord. We really do love sharing all that He is doing in our lives. Thanks for stopping by, and please do get in touch with me so that you can continue on the journey with us.
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